Thursday, November 14, 2019

Psychic Protection for Pets

As strange as it might sound, animals need psychic protection as well. 

It is widely accepted that animals are much more sensitive than we are to unseen forces. Dogs and cats are very sensitive to people's intentions. It’s not uncommon that they give warning by growling or bristling their hair before a bad situation arises. 

We often see animals looking at and reacting to things that we can’t readily perceive. 

Sometimes it even seems like cats have astral playmates that they chase and paw at. 

Recall a time when you noticed your cat staring tensely towards a seemingly empty space or spending a suspicious amount of time around one particular spot in the house. It's likely that your cat is sensitive to a concentrated amount of negative energy and is attempting to protect you and your home from possible infiltration by evil spirits and ghosts. 

It is possible that this negative energy remains left over from some traumatic experience in the past before you came to live in the home, or the entity could come from outside the home and try to force its way in. 

Russians used to allow a cat to enter a house first before they moved in due to its extraordinarily powers.

This is just one, of many reasons why pets need constant cleansing and psychic protection like us. 

If somebody is trying to harm you with magick, it usually will hit your pet(s) first because they also act like shields. 

Psychic attacks are also very common. 

What is a psychic attack? It is the assault upon your aura, without your conscious permission, by another person, group, or spirits. Read more here: The threat of Psychic Attacks

Why would anyone want to attack an animal? The most common reason would be to cause the owner of the pet to suffer. Many people, myself included, cherish their animal companions and make their happiness the top priority in life. It can upset our whole lives when our animal falls into a mysterious illness, a moody depression, or an energy-less state. 

If you are actively involved in the occult, someone may assume that your pet is your familiar and that attacking your pet psychically will indirectly harm you. 

How do we know if an animal is having troubles caused by psychic energy? 

They can’t simply tell us that they are feeling strangely so we have to watch for symptoms. The usual telltale signs are when the animal suddenly falls sick, doesn't eat, is listless, or moody. By moody I mean the animal not only doesn’t want to engage in their usually activities, but they also reject companionship with growls or hisses. The may also develop sudden phobias or flinch when touched by those they normally trust.


Any veterinarian would take the list of symptoms above and name off dozens of physical problems that could cause the very same reactions. It is very important not to put an animal’s health into danger by assuming that any of these symptoms are solely the work a psychic attack. No matter how strong your gut feeling is on the matter, play it safe and get a medical opinion first and foremost. If you spend even a day trying psychic techniques before you take the animal to the vet, you could be wasting crucial time that is needed to save your animal's life. 

Easy method to protect your pets
  • First off, in most cases it is best to break off all contact with the attacker if you know the person
  • Cleanse your home and pet(s) often
  • Visualize and create an energy shield around your pet(s)
  • Pet protection spell 
  • Use protective mantra or prayer on them 
  • Ask your deities, spirits, or ancestors to protect them. Hekate is a great protector of dogs, and Freya of cats.
  • Create a protective sigil for them
  • You can attach protective imagery/jewelry/crystals to their collars. Be careful here, some crystals can be toxic to them. Do your research first. 
  • Include them in your meditations
  • Do energy work (or reiki) on them.
  • Let them get some sunshine, and moonlight
  • Let them roam in nature or grass, if possible. They need grounding as well.
On October 4th, a procession of animals, everything from dogs and cats to hamsters and even horses, is led to churches for a special ceremony called the Blessing of Pets. This custom is conducted in remembrance of Saint Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. If this is your path, go for it.

What's your favorite method?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Oraculum, Napoleon Book Of Fate

The Oraculum had been originally discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801, and at Napoleon’s request was translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. Apparently consulting it “before every important occasion”, the book became one of the emperor’s most treasured possessions. It was found among his personal possessions after the defeat of his army at Leipzig in 1813 and translated into English in 1822.

Method to Consult Napoleon's Oracle

1. There are 16 questions covering almost everything one wishes to know about. Read the questions and select the one which expreses best your interest in the future.

 1.  Shall I obtain my wish?
 2.  Success in my undertakings?
 3.  Shall I gain or lose my cause?
 4.  Shall I live in foreign parts?
 5.  Will the stranger return?
 6.  Shall I recover my property?
 7.  Will my friend be true?
 8.  Shall I have to travel?
 9.  Does the person love me?
10.  Will the marriage be happy?
11.  What sort of a wife or husband?
12.  Will I have a son or daughter?
13.  Will the patient recover?
14.  Shall I speculate?
15.  Will I be lucky?
16.  What does my dream signify?

2. Make a series of marks like this * in four lines. You should do this without thinking about it. Let the pen be your guide. Add as many marks as desired in each line. When you finish this, your end result should look something like this:


3. Now add up the number of marks made. In this example:

************         (12 marks)
*************        (13 marks)
**************      (14 marks)
***************     (15 marks)

4.  When the number of marks in any of the four lines exceeds 9, then only the extra marks are taken into account. So:

************         (12 marks become 3)
*************        (13 marks become 4)
**************      (14 marks become 5)
***************     (15 marks become 6)

5. A symbol is now obtained from the marks. This is done by marking the line containing an odd number with a single star ( * ) and a line containing an even number is marked with two stars ( ** ). Taking the above example, the symbol obtained from the marks is this:

************        (12 marks = 3) odd number             *
*************       (13 marks = 4)  even number         **
**************     (14 marks = 5)  odd number            *
***************    (15 marks = 6) even number          **

6. Now you are ready to consult the Oraculum. Look up the corresponding combination of dots, or symbol, on the top of Oraculum Table to find what letter corresponds with the number of the question asked. Once you got your letter you need to find that page and read the answer. 


a. It is forbidden to ask a question twice on the same day.
b. Again, do not ask the same question in a month.

The following are unlucky days, on which none of the questions should be asked, or any adventure undertaken: January 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20; February 1, 17, 18; March 14, 16; April 10, 17, 18; May 7, 8; June 17; July 17, 21; August 20, 21; September 10, 18; October 6; November 6, 10; December 6, 11, 15.

You can find an online version by clicking (here). 
Or even better, you can get a nice copy of this book and take it everywhere, find it on the right bar of our site.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Ancient Art of Hand Reading

“God caused signs or seals on the hands of all the sons of men, that the sons of men might know their works.” - Book of Job 

Palmistry, also called chiromancy or chirosophy, is the art or practice of telling fortunes and interpreting character from the lines and configurations of the palm of a person's hand.

The scholars of palmistry claim that the destiny of a person can be read very clearly from the lines of palm. Palmistry in that way can prove to be a mirror of the story of the life of an individual. 

It revolves around the study of various "lines" ("heart line", "life line", etc.), mounts, shape of palm, thumb and fingers. In some traditions, readers also examine characteristics of the fingerprints and palmar skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), skin texture and color, shape of the palm, and flexibility of the hand.

The basic framework for "Classical" palmistry (the most widely taught and practiced tradition) is rooted in Greek mythology. Each area of the palm and fingers is related to a god or goddess, and the features of that area indicate the nature of the corresponding aspect of the subject. For example, the ring finger is associated with the Greek god Apollo; characteristics of the ring finger are tied to the subject's dealings with art, music, aesthetics, fame, wealth, and harmony.

The origins of palmistry are uncertain. Some claim that the art of  palmistry originated in China or India.

The chiromantic art has been known in India, Nepal, China, Tibet, Persia, Sumeria, Babilonia, Palestine and Egypt, and it underwent significant development in ancient Greece.

Aristotle, in his “De Historia Animalium” described the practice and outlined his belief in the fact that the lines of the palm reflected aspects of the persons soul along with some observations on what the lines meant. This knowledge was passed to Alexander the Great who took the knowledge on board both in military and diplomatic fields.

During the Middle Ages the art of palmistry was actively suppressed by the Catholic Church as pagan superstition. In Renaissance magic, palmistry was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts", along with necromancy, geomancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, hydromancy, and spatulamancy (scapulimancy).

While palmistry remained a little-known underground belief in Western Europe it continued to flourish further East, particularly among the Romany of Romania, Bulgaria and surrounding areas which were firstly under Byzantine rule and then Ottoman.

The practice of chiromancy is generally regarded as a pseudoscience. It should be noted that the information outlined below is briefly representative of modern palmistry; there are many, often conflicting, interpretations of various lines and palmar features across various "schools" of palmistry.

Although there is no scientific support for the contention that the physical features observed in palmistry have psychic or occult predictive meaning, the human hand does show evidence of the person’s health, cleanliness, and occupational and nervous habits (e.g., as evidenced by calluses or nail-biting). Hands are routinely examined in medical diagnosis and provide clues with which the palmist may often astound the unsophisticated.

Find our recommended book and kit on palmistry on the right bar of our blog.

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