Friday, March 20, 2020

Things witches and occultists can do while in quarantine

Don’t just let the hours pass by. It might be frustrating to be just at home right now, but if you learn into some of the things on this list, you’ll find that the time passes in a meaningful way.

• Do a deep home cleaning and cleansing.

• Are you a Pagan hoarder? Clean and organize your witchy supplies, books, herbs, oils, crystals collection, etc.

• Meditation: mindfulness meditation, focused meditation, movement meditation, mantra meditation, transcendental meditation, pranayama meditation, Kundalini meditation, guided meditation, visualization, etc.. There’re so many different types and techniques, find the one that works for you.

• Read a new grimoire (check my article for some ideas: A List of Magical Grimoires)

• Write. Start a dream journal. or a new shadow book.

• Ritual work. Is there a practice that you once enjoyed but lost touch with? 

• Learn the path study that has always interested you.

• Divination: learn a system you always wanted to explore (Tarot/Oracle reading, numerology automatic writing, bibliomancy, I Ching, palmistry, crystal ball gazing, mirror/water Scrying, runes, pendulum dowsing..).

• Create a new talisman or sigil.

• Astrology: Now you have the time to explore your Natal Chart in depth (or someone else's).

• Dream magick: interpret your dreams, learn lucid dreaming. 

• Astral Projection/out-of-body experience (OBE).

• Set up an altar: it is time for a spring one!

• Ancestral work.

• Invoke your guides. Connect with your familiar, spirit guide, totem, power animal, tulpa, patron deity, etc.

• Magickal crafting: you can learn how to make incense, tinctures, herbal baths, potions, powders, sachets, candles, sacred jewelry, wands and staffs..

• Mythological exploration: learn about a pantheon, deity or culture that fascinates you.

• Indoors gardening. It's spring, the perfect time to start! 

• Telepathic communication, develop your telepathic abilities. There are many techniques and exercises you can do. Practice With a Partner – Practicing sending and receiving with a partner is one of the best ways to develop your telepathic abilities. Decide who is the sender, when you will send and then swap sending and receiving positions.

• Energy work. If you are feeling unbalanced either physically, emotionally, or mentally, energy work is a great practice to restore and realign the body's subtle vibrations. While Reiki is one of the main ways to practice energy work, there are many ways to integrate energy work and healing into one’s life.

• Indoors exercise: pilates, yoga, plyometrics, dancing, qigong, tai chi, etc.. You can find many YouTube videos or apps with great workouts and practices.

• Nourish your body with foods that help keeping your immune system strong! So important during this time!

• Keep in contact with your love ones! 

Keep calm. Stay safe. We're all in this together!  - Jovanna Goette