Astral projection is the ability to mentally and spiritually leave your body and travel the world around you.
O.B.E. stands for out-of-body experience. Many people get confused with the difference between O.B.E.’s and astral projection. There is no real difference between O.B.E. and A.P.
O.B.E. is considered to be the more scientific term, although science had barely touched the subject. Astral projection is thought to be the more spiritual term, but both terms mean the same thing.
Although most O.B.E. happens when the person is asleep, or close to sleep, O.B.E.’s can be done when awake. It can be done consciously or unconsciously. For people who unconsciously, but are awake, have an O.B.E., they describe the experience as seeing the room or environment with an unusual clarity and a different point of view, other than their own. The people say that they feel like they have stepped out of their body for a minute and can see the world around them.
When you project, you enter into a plane. The most commonly known and visited plane is what is known as the astral plane. This has been misnamed because the astral plane is really a term that sums up all the planes that exist and not just one plane. There are many other planes that you can go to. Astralnauts are constantly discovering a new plane. The one plane that is most visited it's called by some the Real Time Zone plane, due to the fact that the plane is an exact copy of the world you see, breathe, and live in.
Projecting yourself and walking seems pretty fun and wild, but there is much more that can be done in the astral plane. There are many properties of the astral plane and what be done while astral projecting. The first rule to remember is a hard one to remember. The rule is anything is possible in the astral plane. Only your mind will stop you.
On earth, we are bound to the laws of gravity. In the astral plane, there is no gravity. You can jump as far as you want. You can throw a ball as far as you want. You can be light or heavy as you want. You can be as strong as you want. You can run faster than you ever have and not get tired. Many people find joy in flying around their home. You can walk through anything you want to. You can walk through wood, stone, fire, ice and so on. Your astral body can not die and can not receive any long lasting damage. You will not feel any pain to your astral body, but that does not stop your earth body to feel pain, heat or cold.
There is an interesting ability that can be done in the astral plane and it is called manifestation. On earth, manifestation is possible, but hard to do. Manifestation is the ability, through hard and constant concentration, to make certain events happen. In the astral plane, manifestation takes a more literal meaning. You can just think of an object and it will appear. If you want a cup of water, just think of the exact cup of water you want and it will appear. You can create anything you want through thought.
The astral plane also contains psi. This means you can safely and privately practice anything from meditation to telekinesis. It is said that transferring skills from what you learned in the astral plane to real life is not as hard as one would think. You can also affect your body in a positive way in the astral plane. You can practice healing your body in the astral plane, or have someone, project and heal your astral body, which will heal your physical body.
You can meet people in this state. They can be either astral proyecting themselves or just noticing you. If they are not projecting, they must be strong enough in psionics to be able to sense your presences.
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